NBA players do some things on the court that look dumb to us. Some NBA players do some habit before the game starts, and they believe that this habits would help them win the game. There are NBA players who pull themselves on the rim, some do different hand gestures, and some players hit the pad below the rim.
NBA players do many strange things. One of the strangest things NBA players do is blocking the shots after the whistle. Many fans have asked on NBA forums about this, and I am here to answer this question.
Why do basketball players block shots after the whistle? Most basketball players, including the NBA players, are known for blocking the shots of their opponents after the whistle. They do this so that the player will never get into the rhythm and lose their focus.
However, there are many questions people asked about this kind of act. Many people asked if it is goaltending when a basketball player rejects the shots of the opposing player after the whistle. Also, when and how did this thing start? All of these questions and other questions related to our subject will be answered today!
What Is Blocking In Basketball?
Block happens in basketball when a defensive player legally touches a field goal attempt from an offensive player. This is one of the ways to prevent the opponents from scoring. However, the defender may not have contact with the offensive player’s hand because a foul may be called.
Centers, tall players, or players that have incredible vertical leap are the ones who are good at blocking shots. Tall players and centers will use their height to block the opponent’s shots. While the high jumpers will use their jumping ability to reject a shot attempt in mid-air.
Block is essential because it is the only way to prevent a player that is attempting to shoot a ball to successfully sink the ball to the basket. If you are a good shot blocker, you will be valuable on any basketball team you play. Why? Because they can rely on you defensively.
Does Blocking Shots After The Whistle A Goaltending?
First, we need to know what goaltending is for you to understand this. Goaltending is not a foul. It is a basketball violation. The goaltending violation will occur when a player interferes with the ball after the ball is released.
A player cannot disrupt the path of the ball when the ball is on its way towards the rim. When the ball is rolling or sitting around the rim, any players are not allowed to disrupt the movement of the ball. If the offensive player touches it, he will be called for basket interference. If the defensive player disrupts it, he will be called for goaltending.
So why blocking shots after the whistle is not goaltending? Because it is not a shooting foul. When the referee’s whistle blows earlier than the player’s ball release, it is a non-shooting foul. When the basketball player decides to shoot the ball after the whistle, the defensive players near the basket can block the shot if they know it is a non-shooting foul.
The player who shoots the ball after the referees blow a whistle may be called for a delay of the game violation. Why? Because referees do not like unrelated activities after they stop the clock. However, some referees allow players to shoot the ball after the whistle. Most basketball players shoot the ball quickly after they hear the whistle of the refs.
Blocking a shot attempt after the whistle does not count as a blocked shot in the stats of a basketball player that blocked the shot. In the rulebook of the NBA, there are no rules included that says that a player cannot block a shot after the whistle is called. This is why many NBA players do this kind of act.
Does Blocking The Shot After The Whistle Have Psychology Effects In Basketball?
Basketball is a physical and mental game, and every basketball player should be both mentally and physically tough. Basketball players go to the gym to become physically tough, and they also do some meditation to be mentally tough. Both mental and physical is essential for you to become a good basketball player.
Blocking shots after the whistle doesn’t only prevent a player from getting a rhythm. Basketball players do this to disrupt the focus of their opposing player. I know most of you think that blocking shots after the whistle is a waste of energy because it will never count. However, I believe that this kind of act can still be effective, especially if you want to enter your opponent’s skin.
Even though it doesn’t add up in the stats, many basketball players continue to block the shots of their opponents after the whistle of the refs. Why? Because like I have said, it affects the confidence and rhythm of their opponents, and it is proven to be effective.
Also, even though the shot will not count even if it sinks in, many shooters are still shooting the ball after the referees blow the whistle. Why do shooters do this? They do this to get some rhythm. Shooters that are having a poor shooting night are the ones who do this. They do this so that they can have some little shooting practice.
Blocking shots after the whistle is a good strategy. Why? Because it affects the rhythm of the offensive player. It also prevents the best shooter from the offensive team from finding their shot during the game. Also, it affects the mentality and confidence of the shooter
When a player shoots the ball after the whistle has been made, he can get a delay of the game violation. Like I have said, referees don’t like unrelated activities after they blow a whistle. However, referees that have lots of patience allow shooters to shoot the ball after they blow the whistle.
But because there are lots of players that are good at mental fighting, they block the shots of the player after the whistle even if the referees allow it to enter the minds of the player.
So to conclude, blocking the shots of an opponent after the whistle has a psychological effect. It ruins the rhythm and confidence of the player. So if you want to interrupt the confidence of your opponent, try blocking his shots after the whistle.
Why Do Kevin Garnett Block Shots After The Whistle?
Kevin Garnett is the well-known NBA star that blocks shots of the opponents after the whistle. He is a 7-foot tall athletic monster drafted by Minnesota Timberwolves that love trash-talking and love to bully other NBA players, especially the young ones.
Many NBA players and fans hated Kevin Garnett, and I am one of them. Kevin Garnett was hated before because of his attitude. He is a bully, and he loves talking dumb things to his opponents. Garnett became well-known because of his attitude, and he is also one of the NBA players that makes trash-talking a tradition in the game of basketball.
Like I have said, I hate Kevin Garnett, but that was before when I was twelve years old. I hated him for trash-talking different NBA players. However, when I researched him more and when I became mature, I fully understood what he was doing. The trash-talking of Garnett is part of the game, and it helps his team to win! If I am going to build a team, I would choose Garnett for my team.
Kevin Garnett played with lots of passion, heart, and dedication. He plays with his whole heart, mind, and body. When you look at some of his high-intensity plays, you will be shocked. Joakim Noah is one of the NBA players that idolized Garnett. However, their first meeting wasn’t what Noah wanted to be. When Noah talked with Garnett, Garnett started to trash talk him and say unpleasant words.
Garnet loves to block the shots of his opponents after the whistle. He does this to enter inside the skin and head of his opponents. Like what I have said above, blocking shots after the whistle is a strategy to shake the confidence of your opponents. That is what Kevin Garnett does while he is still playing in the NBA.
Aside from that, Garnett also uses his mouth to enter inside his opponents’ heads. He says lots of garbage on the court, and he has many recorded fights already. One famous fight Garnett did was the fight against Dwight Howard. Luckily, no one gets hurt badly.
Now that Garnett is retired, I missed him already. I hope there will be a Garnett-like attitude player entering the NBA soon. A player that plays with dedication, and loves talking trash.
Final Verdict
Now that you know why basketball players block shots after the whistle, I hope you learned a new strategy to enter inside your opponent’s heads. Basketball is both a physical and mental game, which is why you need to be physically and mentally strong.
Why do you think basketball players block the shots of their opponents after the whistle? Do you have any reasons in mind? If yes, comment on your answers below!