How Many Hours Should A Basketball Player Practice?

How Many Hours Should A Basketball Player Practice

Key Takeaway: To excel in basketball, players, including beginners, should practice consistently for at least 2-4 hours daily, focusing on essential skills like shooting and free throws, setting specific goals, tracking progress, playing games, and avoiding common mistakes such as lack of goals, inadequate planning, arrogance, and fear of mistakes. Consistency and dedication are key factors for improvement in basketball performance, regardless of the number of hours practiced each day.

I know that many of you reading my blogs want to be a better basketball player. You continue to read to learn more about basketball, especially the beginners. I am here to answer all of your questions to help you be a better basketball player.

One common question that basketball players ask in forums is how many hours they should practice being a better basketball player. Some people said that a basketball player should practice six-eight hours a day, and some said ten hours a day is better. But what is the exact length of duration a basketball player should practice?

How many hours should a basketball player practice? A basketball player should practice at least 2-4 hours a day. You can do some basketball drills or play with other players during those hours. Remember, you don’t do this once a week or once a month. You do this consistently.

There are lots of things that you can learn about our topic today. I will give you different tips that you can use during your basketball practice. Also, I will be rolling out various mistakes most basketball players make during basketball practice. 

How Many Hours Of Basketball Should A Kid Practice To Make It To The NBA?

Many young players dream of being in the NBA soon. All young players that aspire to be in the NBA give their best shot for them to have a chance. Another thing that people ask is how many hours of practice should a young kid make to make it to the NBA? So, to make it in the NBA, how many hours should a young aspiring player practice? Let me answer that!

The number of hours a kid should practice basketball depends on their age. However, the standard hours a kid can practice is between 2-4 hours a day. If the kid has a school, he/she should practice for at least 2 hours. But during weekends, kids can practice basketball for 4 hours.

Every kid should do this consistently. Remember that, no matter how long you practice in one day, if you don’t do it regularly, there will be no results. Twenty hours a day, but you only do it once a week or month will never increase your basketball performance. 

But thirty minutes of basketball practice a day, and you do it every day will put you on the next level. It doesn’t matter how many hours you practice basketball in one day. What matters is your consistency during one year of basketball practice. 

You will not improve if you practice 18-20 hours a day, and you only do it twice per month. But if you practice 1-2 hours a day and do it consistently, your performance will be great. It will also give you lots of advantages against the player that practices 18 hours a day but did it twice per month only. 

Basketball Practice Tips 

I am going to give you some basketball tips. These tips will help you to become a better basketball player. The tips I will give are for everyone, including the experienced one. Let’s check on those tips!

Set Your Goals

Before getting serious in practice, you have to set your goals first. Ask yourself if why are you going to do this? What are the goals you like to attain? Is it to jump high? Become a better shooter or become a better ball handler? Do you have plans to enter the professional basketball league? 

Ask yourself first before you do anything. After setting up your goals, list down the things that may hinder you from achieving your goals and make plans to avoid that from happening. List down the things that you should do to achieve your goals.

Setting your goals is the essential thing to do. Goals are like your maps. You will get lost if you don’t have them. Remember that dreams without goals are just a dream. 

Track Your Progress

The second tip is to track your progress. Now that you have listed all the goals you like to attain, it is time to put in some work and track your progress. If your goal is to increase your vertical jump, always measure your vertical leap after a week of practice. When you do this, you will know if you are improving or not. If not, you need to execute more work. 

Sometimes tracking your progress may be demotivating because sometimes you will see some changes and sometimes not. However, you should not get demotivated when you don’t see results. It happens for most people. So never give up and continue to improve in basketball. 

Learn The Basics

Before you execute some hard basketball drills, you have to learn the basics first. Read how the basketball game works, and the rules and violations in basketball. Learn how to dribble with your fingers first before you move on to the crossover drills. Learning the basics is the most essential thing you need to do in basketball, especially if you are a beginner. 

Play The Game

Of course, you have to play the game too. You don’t only practice, but you should apply what you have practiced. You can play basketball after practicing some drills, or you can separate it. You can play basketball today, and you practice tomorrow or vice versa. Playing basketball will also help you learn and give you the experience of what it feels like to play on the court.

Focus On Your Shooting Form

Some players focus more on their dribbling than their shooting form. Shooting form is an essential thing in basketball because this is where you will get your points. Dribbling has no points. So why will you focus more on that? Focus on improving your shooting form because this is where you will get your points. 

Practice Your Free Throws

Free-throws are essential because this is where you can get free points. However, most basketball players miss their free-throws, especially the centers. Focus also on improving your free-throws so that the next time you will get a chance at the foul line you can effortlessly give your team free points. 

Do This Consistently 

Consistency is the key to every success. If you are not consistent with what you are doing, you will most likely feel demotivated and fail. 30 minutes of practice per day and doing it every day is much better than practicing 18 hours in one day but only doing it twice per month. 

It is not the length of hours you practice that will define your success. The thing that will define your success is how consistent you are. I know it is hard to be consistent, especially if you don’t see any progress at all.

But whatever you do in life, you will never see results during the first weeks of your work. Do it consistently until it becomes your hobby, and there you will see results. 

10 Mistakes Basketball Players Make In Practice 

Below are the ten mistakes basketball players make during practice. These are the things you need to avoid if you want to become a successful basketball player. 

Not Having A Goal

The best basketball players I know, know exactly what their goal is. They know what they want to achieve, and they will do some hard work to achieve their goals. Like I have said above, goals are like your maps. Without it, you will get lost in the middle of the journey. 

No Plans

Plans are like goals. You need to always have a plan when you get into the court to practice or to the gym when building muscles. If you are going to practice basketball today, what things are you going to focus on today? Is it your dribbling? Or is it your shooting? Make sure that you have a workout plan before starting your workout. You should always train with purpose. 

Too Arrogant

This is a common problem for basketball players. They are too arrogant, and they don’t listen to what their coach says. When you do this, you will never learn anything. Be vulnerable and be coachable. Always think that you are not smart enough and you should listen to others that are more knowledgeable than you. 

Afraid to Make Mistakes

Whatever you do, you will make mistakes. You should never be afraid to make mistakes because this is where you will learn. If you are scared of making mistakes, you will never get better. Push yourself out of your comfort zone for you to learn more. 

Neglect Stretching

Stretching is essential before starting a workout or before the game. It helps you to prevent various injuries. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and strong. When you don’t stretch, your muscles will shorten and become tight that can cause injuries.

Practicing Unnecessary Things

Many basketball players practice some things that they will never use inside the court. This could be a point guard practicing some post moves or his hook shots. 

Spending Time On Social Media

Some basketball players only work out so that they can post something on their social media to get the approval of others. These players try to prove something to others. They try to prove to others that they are working very hard. I hate players who act like this.

After some 15 minutes of workout, they check their phones and post what they have done. Basketball players should spend their time practicing and not tweeting some dumb things. 

No Consistency

Some basketball players will only show up in a practice once or twice a month. This is the problem for most basketball players. They don’t have consistency! Like I have said above, consistency is the key to success.

Not Playing

This is connected to being afraid of making mistakes. Some basketball players only practice and don’t play. Why? Because they are scared to fail inside the court. Playing basketball is as important as practicing. It will help you to learn and have more experience inside the court.

Only Working Hard When Getting An Approval From Others

Players who crave the approval of others will often do this. They only work hard when someone is watching to prove that they are good basketball players. These players are not good basketball players. They are dumb and lonely ass basketball players. Whether people are watching or not, continue to work hard during practice. 

Understanding the Balance: Skill Development vs. Physical Conditioning

In the pursuit of an NBA dream, young players often find themselves navigating the intricate balance between honing specific basketball skills and developing their physical prowess. Skill development, which encompasses aspects like shooting, dribbling, and game strategy, is undeniably essential. However, it’s only one side of the coin.

The sheer intensity of professional basketball means that physical conditioning cannot be overlooked. This includes not just building strength and stamina, but also enhancing agility, speed, and coordination. Being physically conditioned ensures that a player can execute those well-practiced skills effectively throughout the game, even in the final crucial minutes when fatigue traditionally sets in.

Conversely, a laser focus solely on physical conditioning without adequate skill development can leave players well-prepared physically but lacking in the nuanced techniques and game intelligence required at the elite level.

The ideal approach is a harmonized regimen where skill drills are intertwined with strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and flexibility routines. Such a balanced approach ensures that aspiring players are not just fit but also possess the technical prowess to shine on the basketball court.

The Mental Game: Building Resilience and a Growth Mindset

As much as basketball is a physical endeavor, the mental aspect of the game is equally, if not more, critical. Developing skills and physical prowess is essential, but without the right mental fortitude, players can falter under pressure, especially in high-stakes moments. Resilience is key: the ability to bounce back from setbacks, be it a missed shot or a lost game, defines the greats.

Embracing a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn rather than insurmountable barriers, helps players continuously evolve and improve, keeping them agile in their strategies and approach.

Beyond resilience, fostering a growth mindset entails recognizing that talent is just a starting point; hard work, continuous learning, and adaptability play monumental roles in reaching the pinnacle of basketball success. Cultivating this mindset encourages players to embrace feedback, learn from failures, and view every practice and game as a chance to grow.

As the basketball journey is filled with ups and downs, possessing a strong mental game ensures that aspiring NBA players remain undeterred, focused, and ever-driven towards their ultimate goal.

Final Thoughts

To recap this, let me tell you again how many hours you should practice basketball. I suggest all basketball players out there practice basketball 2-4 hours a day. You can do some basketball drills, or you can play a pick-up basketball game. Remember to be consistent in practice and stick to your schedule. 

How many hours do you practice in basketball? What kind of drills do you do during basketball practice? Comment your answers below! 

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